It was the buzz of a pollinator that drew my attention, and my camera, down to flower-level on my visit to the Loda Cemetery Prairie Preserve in 2019. Seeing a remnant of the once vast Grand Prairie from the bee’s point of view was quite different from my usual six-foot-high perspective. Too slow to frame the insect, I was at least able to capture the colorful show of prairie blazing star, rosinweed, and rattlesnake master flowers.
Painted in the studio.
Exhibition History
The Long View, Prairie Paintings from Illinois Nature Preserves
June 24, 2022 - February 5, 2023
Illinois State Museum at Dickson Mounds
10956 N. Dickson Mounds Rd. Lewistown, Illinois
The Long View: Prairie Paintings from Illinois Nature Preserves
June 9 - October 21, 2023
Illinois State Museum - Lockport Gallery
201 West 10th Street, Lockport, Illinois