Set to reduce fuels and diversify habitat in the slash pine forest of Little St. Simons Island, this 2016 burn generated spectacular effects as winter winds pushed it into the fine fuels of the adjoining salt marsh. It went out quickly when it reached the high tide mark, an effective firebreak.
Fantastic fire scenes were plentiful that day, but the unrestricted winds in the marsh created the most exciting scenarios. I based this studio painting on video I shot late in the afternoon, capturing the dynamic spectacle of an explosive flame front, but without having to bring home all the heat and smoke. Painting from moving images allows me to approximate the expressive quality of fire paintings created in situ.
Coordinates of view: 31.23824, -81.30073
Exhibition History
The View From Here: Three Master Painters Consider the Landscape
June 11 - September 11, 2022
Morris Museum of Art
Augusta, Georgia
September 22 - October 15, 2022
Ace Franciso Gallery
Athens, Georgia
Installed December 2022 with the permanent collection.
Morris Museum of Art
Augusta, Georgia