This combination of exuberant flowers, rolling topography, and animated sky was one of the first scenes to greet me in July 2013 as I began my exploration of the Illinois prairie. It was a fitting introduction to what would prove to be a plethora of wonderful Illinois prairie landscapes. I offer this joyous scene of Galloping Hill as an appreciative celebration of the combined volunteer, non-profit, for-profit, and governmental efforts that have restored this and many other prairies on Cook County Forest Preserves and on public and private lands around the state.
Identifiable flora: grey-headed coneflower, wild bergamot, rosinweed, and rattle snake master.
Galloping Hill Prairie is located across from Penny Road Pond on the north side of E. Penny Hill R. in Spring Lake FP
Approximate location of painting viewpoint:
Studio painting – April.
Exhibition History
May 1 - September 12, 2021
Chicago Botanic Garden
Glencoe, Illinois
Publication History
Picturing the Prairie: A Vision of Restoration
Published in conjunction with Philip’s 2021 exhibition at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Contributors include: Philip Juras, artist and author; Hank Paulson, foreword; and Stephen Packard, essay. Published by Little Bluestem Press, Athens, GA, 2021.