Virginia glasswort (salicornia virginica) was once used as a source of soda for glassmaking. It tolerates high salinity and can be found in the high marsh. This drift of it, near the causeway to Edisto beach, was in fall color in December.
Home studio painting – March.
Exhibition History
The Southern Frontier, Landscapes Inspired by Bartram’s Travels
January 28 - May 8, 2011
Telfair Academy
Savannah, Georgia
May 28 - Aug 14, 2011
Morris Museum of Art
Augusta, Georgia
Publication History
Philip Juras: The Southern Frontier, Landscapes Inspired by Bartram’s “Travels”
Published in conjunction with Philip’s 2011 exhibition at the Telfair Museum, Savannah, Georgia. With essays by Philip Juras, Dorinda Dallmeyer, Holly Koons McCullough – poem by Janisse Ray – foreword by Steven High. Winner of the Georgia Author of the Year Award (Specialty Book Category) from the Georgia Writers Association, 2012. Published by Telfair Books, 2011. Second printing (paperback) published by the University of Georgia Press, 2015.