About the Artist

Philip Juras painting during a prescribed fire.

Philip Juras’s paintings express his desire to both explore and understand the patterns of the natural world. His love for nature and art began during his childhood in Augusta, Georgia, eventually leading him to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1990 and a Master of Landscape Architecture in 1997, both from the University of Georgia. His MLA thesis examined grasslands that flourished in the southeast before European settlement, a subject that continues to inspire his artwork. Now living in Athens, Georgia, Philip explores the rich aesthetics of a wide range of ecologically intact natural environments. His recent projects include Georgia’s barrier islands, fire-adapted landscapes of the Southeast, tallgrass prairie restoration in Illinois, and the páramo and cloud forests of the Colombian Andes. To depict these subjects Philip combines direct observation with study of the natural science and history of the place. The resulting images invite the viewer to step through the picture plane and experience the natural world beyond.

Philip has had solo exhibits at the Chicago Botanic Garden and Illinois State Museum; the Telfair, Morris, and Marietta-Cobb museums in Georgia; and the Biblioteca Virgilio Barco in Bogotá, Colombia. He has published three books in conjunction with his exhibits, one of which won a Georgia Writer of the Year award. His work has been profiled by The Magazine Antiques, The Bitter Southerner, Garden and Gun, Minding Nature, Georgia Alumni Magazine, Athens Magazine, radio station WTTW, and other media, and he has been the featured speaker for numerous events. Since 2009, Philip has volunteered as a wildland firefighter type 2, or “ecoburner,” with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy.

Also see: In Media

Solo Exhibits

Studying the Landscape: Observation, Conservation, and Restoration, University Art Gallery, University of the South, Sewanee, TN
The Long View: Prairie Paintings from Illinois Nature Preserves, Illinois State Museum Gallery, Lockport, IL
The Long View, Prairie Paintings from Illinois Nature Preserves, Dickson Mounds State Museum, Lewiston, IL
Beautiful Prescription: Fire Paintings from the Field, South Carolina Botanical Garden, Clemson, SC
Nachusa Impressions, Franklin Grove, IL
Picturing the Prairie, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL
The Art of Conservation, Circle Gallery, College of Environment and Design, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Landscapes of Chingaza (Paisajes de Chingaza), Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC
Landscapes of Chingaza (Paisajes de Chingaza), Biblioteca Virgilio Barco, Bogotá, Colombia
The Wild Treasury of Nature, A Portrait of Little St. Simons Island, Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA
Little St. Simons Island II, Little St. Simons Island, GA
Bartram in Cherokee Country, University of Georgia Press Offices, Athens, GA
Little St. Simons Island, Little St. Simons Island, GA
Lost Species, Visions of Landscapes Past, Georgia Museum of Natural History, Athens, GA
Scenes from the Southern Frontier, Macon Musuem of Art and Science, Macon, GA
Exploring the Upcountry with Bartram, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC
Searching for Bartram's Wilderness: Studies from the Field, Oconee Cultural Art Foundation, Watkinsville, GA
A Vision of Grasslands in the Southeast, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, NC
A Pleasant Territory: Grasslands in the Southeast, Circle Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
New Landscapes, Aurum Studios, Athens, GA
Southern Landscapes, Carolina Galleries, Charleston, SC
Forged by Drought, Flood, and Fire: Scenes of Remnant Landscapes, Circle Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Bean Soup, Pomodoro, Boston, MA

Group Exhibits

"Fire Wall", Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, GA
The View From Here, Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, GA - Ace Francisco Gallery, Athens, GA
Conserving Beauty, Barrington, IL
Field Guides, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA
Southern Nature Writers Gathering, Wormsloe, Isle of Hope, GA
Paintings of Chingaza at the Colombian Embassy, Washington, DC
Longleaf Regenerated, Savannah Riverfront Marriot, Savannah, GA
"Set Off For Georgia:" Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of John and William Bartram's Natural History Expedition in Colonial Georgia. Richard B. Russell Building (Special Collections Library), University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Terrain: Painting the South, The Classic Center, Athens, GA
Out of the Vault, Athens Chamber of Commerce, Athens, GA
The Contemporary Southern Landscape, Jepson Center, Telfair Museums, Savannah, GA
An Evening on Naturalist William Bartram, Oconee Cultural Art Foundation, Watkinsville GA
Spirit of the Land V, invitational exhibit, State Botanical Garden, Athens, GA
Italia, group exhibit, Carteret Contemporary Art, Morehead City, NC
Spirit of the Land III, invitational exhibit, State Botanical Garden, Athens, GA
Coastal Landscapes, Two Person Exhibit, Carolina Galleries, Charleston, SC
Spirit of the Land II, invitational exhibit, State Botanical Garden, Athens, GA
At the Water's Edge, group exhibit, Carolina Galleries, Charleston, SC
Spirit of the Land, invitational exhibit, State Botanical Garden, Athens, GA
Group exhibition, Aurum Studios, Athens, GA
Perspectives of Travel, two-person exhibit, UGA Alumni Center, Atlanta, GA
Matters of Perspective, two-person exhibit, Aurum Studios, Athens, GA
Places-Nonplaces, two-person exhibit, Circle Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Skinnydipping, group exhibit, Mercury Gallery, Athens, GA
Thirtieth Annual Juried Exhibition, Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens, GA
Exploration and Discovery: Field Studies, group exhibit, Circle Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Topophilia II, invitational exhibit, Clayton Street Gallery, Athens, GA
Hoochie on the Coochie, Atlanta, GA
Isolalunga to Holzhausen, two-person exhibit, Joanna Angell Gallery, Walterboro, SC
Twenty-second Annual Juried Exhibition, Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens, GA
SED First Annual Juried Student Exhibition, Circle Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Travelers' Landscapes, two-person exhibit, Dover Public Library, Dover, MA
Honors Thesis Exhibition, group exhibit, Visual Arts Gallery, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Mostra, juried exhibit of work by participants in the University of Georgia Studies Abroad program, Cortona, Italy

Selected Talks

"Prairie Landscapes Rediscovered" Virtual presentation and panel discussion with the Keller Science Action Center, Field Museum, Chicago, IL
"Picturing the Prairie, A Vision of Restoration", Virtual presentation and discussion with Wendy Paulson. Avid Bookshop, Athens, GA
"Picturing the Prairie", Keynote presentation. Citizens for Conservation. Barrington, IL
"The Art of Conservation", artist lecture, College of Environment and Design, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
"Falling in Love with Southeastern Grasslands, Paintings from Prairie to Páramo" Fuqua Lecture, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, GA
"Falling in Love with Southeastern Grasslands, Paintings from Prairie to Páramo", Plenary Speaker, Cullowhee Conference on Native Plants, Cullowhee, NC
"Prairie to Páramo: A Landscape Painter Falls in Love with the Forgotten Grasslands of the Southeast and Beyond", keynote speaker, Southeastern Grasslands Initiative summit, Clarksville, TN
"Framed by Longleaf: An Artist's Perspective," plenary speaker, 11th biennial Longleaf Alliance Conference, Savannah, GA
"Painting Fire Into the Landscape" plenary speaker, Georgia Prescribed Fire Council annual meeting, Tifton, GA
"Rediscovering the Southern Landscape of the 18th Century" and "The Art of William Bartram" Presentations by Philip Juras and Janice Simon. Special Collections Library, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
"Searching for the Southern Frontier: Landscapes Inspired by Bartram’s Travels," Cherokee Garden Library Lecture, Atlanta History Center, Atanta, GA
"Searching for the Southern Frontier: Landscapes Inspired by Bartram's Travels," keynote speaker, St. George Tucker Society annual meeting, Augusta, GA
"Searching for the Southern Frontier: Landscapes Inspired by Bartram's Travels," keynote speaker, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife and Coastal Program Training, Lafayette, LA
"Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Fires?", 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, Raleigh, NC
"Envisioning Southern Grasslands with William Bartram", keynote speaker, Southeastern Prairie Symposium, Starkville, MS
"Visions of the Presettlement South", South Carolina Native Plants Symposium, keynote speaker, Clemson, SC
"Searching for William Bartram's Southern Frontier", Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
"The Sublime Nature of a Dynamic Coast", Coastal Wildscapes, Richmond Hill, GA
"Searching for Bartram's Southern Frontier" Artist lecture, Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, GA
"Searching for the Southern Frontier" Artist lecture sponsored by the city of Savannah, Telfair Museum, Savannah, GA
"Finding Bartram’s Landscapes in the Modern-day South" Conference on William Bartram's Georgia, Savannah, GA
"Forgotten Grasslands: Envisioning the Presettlement Piedmont", The Evelyn McNeill Sims Lecture at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, NC
"Behind the Scenes: A Landscape Painter Drinks Science Kool-aid," cosponsored by the Environmental Ethics Certificate Program and the Department of Geology at The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
"Portraying the presettlement Southeast through oil paintings of remnant grassland communities," 6th Eastern Native Grass Symposium, Columbia, SC.


Picturing the Prairie: A Vision of Restoration. Athens, GA: Little Bluestem Press.
The Southern Frontier, Landscapes Inspired by Bartram's Travels. Savannah, GA: Telfair Books, distributed by the University of Georgia Press. Winner of the Georgia Author of the Year Award, Specialty Book Category, from the Georgia Writers Association, 2012. Second edition paperback, University of Georgia Press, 2015


Master of Landscape Architecture, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. MLA Thesis: The Presettlement Piedmont Savanna: A Model for Landscape Design and Management
Bachelor of Fine Arts, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Major: Drawing and Painting.
University of Georgia Studies Abroad in Cortona, Italy, Drawing and Painting.


Owens 50: Individuals honored for shaping the UGA College of Environment and Design throughout its history.
One Hundred Miles 100: Individuals and Businesses Making a Difference for Georgia's Coast
Georgia Author of the Year Award, Specialty Book Category, from the Georgia Writers Association.